This be our bathroom. :o) I love the view out the open window in the mornings sitting in the bath tub. Am I the only odd girl sitting down for her shower? Surely there must be others too. I do it because I like it - it's warmer and less splashy. And because I can't stand shower curtains near me, don't like 'em.
The entire bathroom was covered in dark stain wood panelling when we moved in. Not much we could do about that so we just painted the walls white to keep it from looking like one big sauna. It turned out quite nicely, I think. I didn't do any cleaning or tidying for this photo session by the way. Oh, ok so I did do a bit, but not much. The strange blue tea pot on the cabinet is my neti pot, a vessel for pouring salt water through your nostrils in the morning, a yoga body cleansing thing. It's lovely, but I won't try to convince you.
The photo next to the sink is of my summer washing place on the island. It's just around the corner from my little cabin, on a shelf in the smooth rocks going into the water. I can stand there and keep my schampoo and conditioner bottles in little nooks above water while I wash in the water that's up above my knees. The water is clear and not very salty at all. When I need to rinse my hair I just dive in further out and swim underwater for a while. When I'm done I sit on a towel on the warm rock until I dry in the sunshine. My favourite shower ever.
That would be nice to gaze out the window while taking a bath :-)
Posted by: Angie | Wednesday, 12 September 2007 at 13:02