I did it again. It wasn't exactly planned to come out this way, but I like it. It looks a bit like a 1920's haircut. Except it's not as neat around the back where the curls do as they please. I like that too, unruly curls. My hair needs a bit of life and letting loose, like me. I'll show you a picture of the back later, couldn't get a good angle on my own. My best friend Eli cut it again, she's amazing! She has only ever cut two women's hair, one with curly hair and then me with straight and curly. I trust her and besides it's far nicer to sit in our front garden than in front of a mirror. Her rate is very reasonable too - I cook her supper.
She has lovely hair herself. Well, all of her is lovely really.
Hi, my name is Matteo, from Itlay,
I work in a marketing agency.
We're working on a project for promoting woodden house.
We found a photo of yours on flickr.
The photo title is "The Hobbit Path"
The question is: may we use your photo on the cover of the brochure writing your credits?
pls answer by mail.
thank you very much
Posted by: Matteo | Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 08:48